Rev Phil Waldron speaks about initiatives at Ullet Road Unitarian Church, Liverpool, welcoming guests, and being bold.
Youtube link below
Congregations in the Community #1: Ullet Road Church, Liverpool – The Unitarians
Accounts – Audit or Examination?
This guidance gives trustees the information they need to:
The trustees of all registered charities must produce a trustees’ annual report and accounts each year. For information on the reporting requirements and on what the accounting terms used in this guidance mean, please refer to Charity reporting and accounting: the essentials (CC15d).
Gift Aid Guides
The following links are to the HMRC Gift Aid site and the helpful guide produced by Data Developments. Both provide a good overview of the scheme and the procedure’s for claims of both Gift Aid and the Small Donations Scheme Gift Aid guide
Claiming Gift Aid as a charity: Overview – GOV.UK (
Social Action Survey Report
At the start of 2024, the world faces many challenges, including climate change, economic injustice, racism, anti-LGBTQIA+ prejudice, and so many more. Unitarians and Free Christians, alongside many other people of all faiths and none, feel themselves called to take action to try to address these challenges facing human society.
As a small movement with
People So Bold
People So Bold is a podcast by the Social Justice Network of the UK Unitarian movement. It features conversations with individuals who are passionately committed to creating a fairer, more just world using compassion and respect for the inherent worth of all beings.
People So Bold – YouTube Channel
People So Bold • A podcast on Spotify
Safeguarding Support
31/8 Membership Discount
All GA affiliated groups are eligible to a 25% discount on 31:8 membership.
The discount code is 23UNITARIAN25
There’s no limit on the number of GA affiliated bodies who can join using code.
Become a member (
‘A Unitarian Presence’
In 2021, we launched our new design programme: ‘A Unitarian Presence’. It’s a handy guide to help you think about how you might communicate the ethos of your congregation locally. You can work through the design programme in your congregation and inside you’ll find links to download logos, patterns, fonts, colour schemes, as well as
Unitarian Communications resources
Please follow the link below to access the current internal resources
Communications Resources – The Unitarians
Stipend Rates 2024 & 2025
Table 1: Current scales (payable from 1 January 2024) with 5% increase for 2025
Current 1/1/24
From 1/1/25
Increase of
Yrs 1-5
Yrs 6-10
Yrs 10 plus
Lay Pastors
Yrs 1-5
Yrs 6-10
Yrs 10 plus
Manse Allowance
This is still an area of great misunderstanding. The key purpose of the manse allowance figures below, which had remained relatively unchanged for many years, is to create
Lay Leaders Contract of Employment Template
If in strike through: guidance and to be deleted from final version.
If in italics: wording you need to add or may wish to use in certain circumstances. To be used without being in italics or brackets in final version.
Name of Employer: [Name of congregation] (“the Employer”)
Address of
Office Holder Terms of Engagement Model Template
{Insert name of chapel and address}
The appointment will commence on {insert date} on a full time / part time basis. This is the date on which the appointment commences. This appointment is subject to the rules and to the terms of the Trust Deed of the Congregation. You may ask