Reflections on the how to be a unitarian course.

With kind thanks to Rev. Jane Blackall

So, in less than ten minutes now, I’m going to give you the digest version of what we covered. At the end of each session I picked out three ‘take aways’ – key points to remember – and I’m going to take you through them now, at relatively high speed, to give you a bit of context for the reflections offered by course participants this week and next. Bear in mind that some of these bullet points are distilling incredibly nuanced discussions into relatively few words so if any of it makes you raise your eyebrows slightly that’s surely an invitation for you to hang around after the service this week or next and have a chat about what it all means. I’ll put the text of these ‘take aways’ up on screen but if anyone wants a slightly expanded version of this to reflect on at your leisure.

The sermon is linked below 

How to be a Unitarian… – Learning How to Live (


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