Stipend Rates 2024 & 2025


Table 1: Current scales (payable from 1 January 2024) with 5% increase for 2025  

 Current 1/1/24 From 1/1/25 Increase of 
Yrs 1-5 £29,392 £30,861 £1,469 
Yrs 6-10 £30,302 £31,817 £1,515 
Yrs 10 plus £31,621 £33,202 £1,581 
Lay Pastors    
Yrs 1-5 £25,775 £27,063 £1,288 
Yrs 6-10 £26,575 £27,903 £1,328 
Yrs 10 plus £27,736 £29,122 £1,386 

Manse Allowance 

This is still an area of great misunderstanding. The key purpose of the manse allowance figures below, which had remained relatively unchanged for many years, is to create a figure to use to calculate the additional pension payments to be made. It is not the maximum a congregation pay towards rent. The GA will, during 2025, review the issues around housing for ministers. 

Where a congregation does not provide accommodation for a minister, it is recommended that they pay the actual housing costs if these exceed the recommended manse allowances below. It is clear that the current manse allowance may not now cover actual housing costs in all areas. 

Provincial  £ 7,500  

LDPA area  £11,000  

London postcodes   £11,000 minimum  

Resettlement Grants and Removal Costs 

Currently £3,700 is payable in addition to removal contractors’ charges. The resettlement grant is taxable and subject to NIC unless it is payable against actual bills provided by the Minister. For further information consult HM Revenue & Customs booklet 480.  

Where a personal vehicle is used for removals, mileage allowances should be claimed at General Assembly rate. If a removal contractor is used, the claim must be substantiated by receipts and the charge be the lowest of three quotations. 

Mileage Allowance 

Mileage allowance is in line with HMRC rules.  

Cars: 45p/mile 

Motorcycles: 24p/mile.  

Pedal cycles: 20p/mile  

Public Transport rate 30p/mile (Reimbursed at actual cost) 

Pulpit Supply 

After over a decade at a relatively low level, the review committee wanted to better reflect the practice and sums currently paid across the movement. The recommended rate is now a range of between £65- £125 plus expenses, which is still a minimum rate. If congregations are able to pay more, they are encouraged to do so. It is recommended that special fees should be negotiated for special occasions as Anniversary Services, where additional preparation is required. Fees should always be offered and claimed in full. 


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