Communications Tips from Rev Kate Dean

Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel (RHUC), Hampstead

Based on her presentation at the General Assembly Annual Meetings, April 2022.



Your website is your shop window. It doesn’t need to be fancy, it can be one page with the essentials: who you are, what you do/offer, where you are, how to contact you. Rosslyn Hill Chapel used elements of the new GA branding which we adapted to suit our needs. We also needed extra features such as an availability calendar, booking online etc. but simpler websites can use the GA’s new template.

On the Street

Don’t forget people find out about us on foot as well as online…

Permanent sign board with information and stating that we are registered to conduct marriages including same sex weddings.

Outdoor leaflet holder with generic leaflets about the Chapel and specific events. Try to include something about what Unitarianism is on every leaflet.

Noticeboard with posters updated weekly – generic information about Unitarianism and specific events. We also post inspiring quotations and questions for reflection on our monthly theme (taken from the UU programme Soul Matters Sharing Circle)

Local links

Don’t forget old fashioned options such as local press adverts (negotiate for a good price!) community/supermarket notice boards, showing the word via other local groups and organisations.

Online promotion

As well as the usual social media platforms, consider event listing sites such as Meetup and Eventbrite to promote your events.

Social Media

Find someone who is active on social media to help raise awareness about your spiritual community. Don’t just think of tech-savvy teenager or student, what about that grandmother who communicates with family via Facebook or shares photos via Instagram?

Follow up with participants

Try to get email details and be clear about when you will contact them (e.g. only related to a similar type of event) then send a reminder when the next event it coming up.

Google my Business

This is often the first place people will visit when searching for you. Do a google search of your Chapel and ensure the info is up to date. The more reviews and updates you have on your ‘business card’ the higher up the rankings you will come and when people use Google Maps, your place will show up quicker if Google knows that it’s active and has things going on. So, keep things up to date, get reviews and consider posting ‘updates’ (like mini blogs).

Be visual

Either of your community (with their permission) or via free image sites such as Images and videos are more eye-catching, especially on social media, than text alone.

Have something to hand

Always have a leaflet, postcard or newsletter to hand visitors or in your bag when you’re out and about ☺

You don’t have to do everything

Try something new and don’t be disheartened if it doesn’t work, just try something else!


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